How to Fix the ‘File Name Too Long To Delete’ Error

Ah the perils of technology! Have you ever encountered a file name so long that you just can’t seem to delete it? You know the one that’s so ridiculously long that it seems like it should be illegal? Well you’re not alone. In this blog post we’ll explore the issue of file names that are too long to delete and provide some tips on how to deal with them.

What Is A File Name Too Long To Delete?

A file name too long to delete is a file name that exceeds the maximum length allowed by the operating system. This can be caused by a variety of factors such as a lengthy file name a deep folder structure or a combination of both. When a file name is too long the operating system will not be able to access it making it impossible to delete.

The maximum length of a file name varies by operating system. Here’s a quick overview of the maximum file name lengths for some of the most popular operating systems:

Operating System Maximum File Name Length
Windows 10 260 characters
macOS 255 characters
Linux 255 characters

File name too long to delete

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Common Causes Of A File Name Too Long To Delete

Ah the dreaded “file name too long to delete” issue. That sinking feeling when you try to delete a file only to be greeted with an error that the file name is too long. It can feel like a punch to the gut when you’re trying to whip through your workload in a hurry.

So what exactly causes this headache of a bug? Well it can be caused by a plethora of issues but let’s dive into some of the most common causes.

One cause can be the operating system in use. If you’re running an older version of Windows certain file name limits might apply. Longer file names can cause a snag when you try to delete the file.

Websites might also be the culprit. Some sites can impose character limits on file names if they are very long. If the limit isn’t met it can cause the file name to be too long for the system in use.

One more cause is the system itself. Many systems have character limits for the maximum length of a file name. If the file name exceeds that limit then it can cause the computer system to recognize it as ‘too long’.

So if you’re facing the file name too long to delete issue you might want to start off by looking into any of the aforementioned causes. If all else fails don’t despair – you can always call in help from an expert on the issue.

How To Delete Files With Long Names – With A Bit Of Sass & Savvy

Sure it can be super annoying trying to figure out how to delete a file that’s so stubbornly long it’s practically begging you to give up trying. But don’t let the elongated file name get the better of you!

We’ve got a few nifty tricks to save the day (or should we say file?) and get those pesky lengthy file names out of your life once and for all. It’s really quite simple – as long as you keep your cool put on your coolest don’t-mess-with-me attitude and remember that you are in control here!

First up you’ll need to download a third-party app. This is the easiest way to resolve this conundrum ensuring your computer and file system remain unharmed and safe. So be sure to choose a reliable source or provider before you proceed.

Next you’ll want to enable long file name delete mode on your system. Easiest way to do this is pressing the F8 key during start-up although this may vary depending on your specific system.

Once you’ve enabled a long file delete mode you can then attempt to remove the file directly from Windows Explorer – but make sure to remain patient and persistent as this process can be a bit slow. Alternatively performing a deep scan of your hard drive with a reliable bit of software can also do the trick.

So there you have it: an easy-peasy way to free your system from painful long file names in no time at all!

Alternatives To Deletion

Soooo you’ve faced that pesky problem of having a file with a name too long to delete. You’re faced with two unsavory options—either you can curl up in a corner and give up or you can take a different approach and find some clever alternative solutions.

Fear not technology is full of tricks and surprises so bear with us! There are plenty of workarounds to this issue so you can keep calm and carry on with your life. For starters:

1. Use the old-school cmd trick. Though it might sound counterintuitive you can delete the file with Windows Command Prompt (CMD). Don’t worry if you don’t know CMD all that well—there are plenty of tutorials out there. Plus they’re free so you won’t spend a dime.

2. Zip it up! Don’t delete the file right away—zip it up. Zipping the file will reduce its size and within no time you’ll have a shorter file name making it easier to delete.

3. Use shortening software. If you don’t want to take the risky route of dealing with CMD or if zipping the file doesn’t save its length there are always services that can shorten it for you. It’s an almost magical way to make a long file name significantly shorter.

4. Try the long-path tool. Yes there’s an actual tool for this. Long Path Tool can help you find and delete long path files without breaking a sweat.

5. Ask an IT wizard. As a last resort you can always employ the help of a tech-savvy friend or an IT expert who won’t have hesitation when it comes to dealing with a long file name.

As you can see there are plenty of ways to solve this niggling issue. None of them require complex skills or sophisticated tools. So the next time you encounter a file name too long to delete don’t despair—get creative!


Page Updated: March 2, 2023

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